Thursday 26 September 2013

This Weekend...

So, as you know, this weekend we launch our book drop. I'm pretty sure everyone has their idea of what they want to get out of it. Me? Definitely to get a lot of book donations! But I would also like people to realise that this is serious, that we are serious.

I've spoken to many people to try and spread the word of London Loveiosa, the book drop and the HPA. It's safe to say that the reactions I get vary a lot. 

Some people are really ecstatic, which is great! 

But others have laughed in my face (and not even a giggle, a full on chortle). They seem to think that because I mention 'Harry Potter' that this is just a bit of a laugh, it won't last long and that I'm a bit crazy.

The thing is, this isn't something I'm taking lightheartedly, and I'm pretty sure that most people involved London Loveiosa are not either. We really want to make a change in the world to make it a better place. Yes, you've probably heard this a lot, but does it not emphasise how much we are and are going to try? Hopefully the things we do as a group will make a big difference. Ok, maybe not the world but at least in our communities.

And yes, we all do like the Harry Potter series. Our love for it is how we were introduced to each other and we are using this as a positive thing. Why does a Harry Potter association have to be viewed negatively?

So this weekend at King's Cross Station, I look forward to collecting books, raising money and promoting London Loveiosa further. But I also want to make people realise that we're not just a bunch of Harry Potter fans. We are a group of people who want to change the world for the better, one step at a time.

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